Παραδείγματα από το σώμα κειμένου για Oyster Creek
1. It‘s way too vulnerable." The owners of Oyster Creek, who have applied for a license renewal to operate another 20 years, deny the plant is obsolete and note the metal roof above the spent fuel rods is "a heavily reinforced steel structure." "Oyster Creek is required to meet every single safety standard and regulation as every plant, no matter what the age," says Oyster Creek spokesman Pete Resler.
2. The men launched from Oyster Creek and were headed for Little Egg Inlet, which is about 10 miles north of where their boat was found.
3. If it was being built from scratch today, it could be designed to protect against one." Oyster Creek officials disagree, saying their plant can sustain a direct hit by an aircraft.
4. Their concern: The structural design of the 1'60s–era Oyster Creek nuclear generating station is a security risk because, among other things, it stores highly radioactive spent fuel rods above ground.
5. It found that "successful terrorist attacks on spent fuel pools [at some nuclear power plants,] though difficult, are possible" and that "a propagating fire in a pool could release large amounts of radioactive materials." "Oyster Creek is within 10 minutes of seven airports, both local and major," she says.